Why Do I need Fiber in My Diet?

Fiber is a key element to helping maintain bowel health. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Your diet should include both because; soluble fibers mix with water and form a gel substance which will slow digestion and make you feel more full and will help balance your blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber also has another name that many people recognize, prebiotics. The prebiotics is essentially the food that helps keep the healthy bacteria in your gut working. Insoluble fiber can help move everything along in the digestive track. Both are needed to support a healthy gut and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

What is a good source of these fibers? The baobab fruit is a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. There are many other fruits and vegetables that have soluble and insoluble but the baobab fruit is loaded with these fibers another reason why the baobab fruit is such a nutrient loaded superfruit.


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